Manage the Phoenix star table.
Used to store petitRADTRANS's PHOENIX star spectrum models. |
Module Contents#
- class petitRADTRANS.stellar_spectra.phoenix.PhoenixStarTable#
Used to store petitRADTRANS’s PHOENIX star spectrum models.
The compute_spectrum function can be used to get a star spectrum at a given temperature.
- _loaded = False#
- log10_effective_temperature_grid = None#
- radius_grid = None#
- flux_grid = None#
- wavelength_grid = None#
- compute_spectrum(temperature)#
Returns a matrix where the first column is the wavelength in cm and the second is the stellar flux \(F_\nu\) in units of \(\rm erg/cm^2/s/Hz\), at the surface of the star. The spectra are PHOENIX models from (Husser et al. 2013), the spectral grid used here was described in van Boekel et al. (2012).
- Args:
- temperature (float):
stellar effective temperature in K.
- static get_default_file(path_input_data=None)#
- load(file=None, path_input_data=None, search_online=True)#
- petitRADTRANS.stellar_spectra.phoenix.phoenix_star_table#