
Interface between molmass and petitRADTRANS.


element_number2element_symbol(→ str)

Convert an element's atomic number (e.g. 6) to its element symbol (e.g. 'C').

element_symbol2element_number(→ int)

Convert an element symbol (e.g. 'C') to its atomic number (e.g. 6).


Convert a pRT species' name into a molmass-compatible name.

get_species_elements(→ dict[str, int])

Decompose a species into its elements and their amount.

get_species_molar_mass(→ float)

Get the molecular mass of a given species.

Module Contents#

petitRADTRANS.chemistry.prt_molmass.element_number2element_symbol(atomic_number: int) str#

Convert an element’s atomic number (e.g. 6) to its element symbol (e.g. ‘C’).

petitRADTRANS.chemistry.prt_molmass.element_symbol2element_number(symbol: str) int#

Convert an element symbol (e.g. ‘C’) to its atomic number (e.g. 6).

petitRADTRANS.chemistry.prt_molmass.get_molmass_name(species: str)#

Convert a pRT species’ name into a molmass-compatible name.

petitRADTRANS.chemistry.prt_molmass.get_species_elements(species: str) dict[str, int]#

Decompose a species into its elements and their amount.

>>> get_species_elements('H2O')
>>> {'H': 2, 'O': 1}

species: pRT chemical formula of the species


A dictionary containing the element symbols of the species as keys and their amount as values.

petitRADTRANS.chemistry.prt_molmass.get_species_molar_mass(species: str) float#

Get the molecular mass of a given species.

This function uses the molmass package to calculate the mass number for the standard isotope of an input species. If all_iso is part of the input, it will return the mean molar mass.


The chemical formula of the compound. ie C2H2 or H2O


The molar mass of the compound in atomic mass units.