High-resolution retrieval workflow with SpectralModel

Written by Doriann Blain, based on the setup used in Blain et al. (2024).

The goal of this notebook is to go through a typical high-resolution retrieval workflow with SpectralModel. More details on the SpectralModel object are available in the SpectralModel notebook.

We make some useful imports below.

import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import petitRADTRANS.physical_constants as cst
from petitRADTRANS.plotlib import plot_result_corner
from petitRADTRANS.retrieval.preparing import polyfit
from petitRADTRANS.retrieval.retrieval import Retrieval
from petitRADTRANS.spectral_model import SpectralModel

Loading a Planet

It can be convenient to use the Planet object to get the parameters we need. Note that this is not required.

from petitRADTRANS.planet import Planet

planet = Planet.get('HD 189733 b')

Loading data or generating simulated data

The first step of any retrieval is to load the data that we will retrieve. Here we do not have real data, so we will generate simulated data.

To build simulated data, we can add telluric transmittances, setllar lines, instrumental deformations, and noise. To do this, we can make use of the following arguments:

  • telluric_transmittances: telluric transmittances to combine with the spectrum. Those can make use of the airmass model parameter to automatically build time- and wavelength-varying transmittances. A good place to download telluric transitances is the SKYCALC website. petitRADTRANS also has a module to directly download SKYCALC data, calculate the airmass, and even find the best day for your observations in the module petitRADTRANS.cli.eso_skycalc_cli.

  • telluric_transmittances_wavelengths: wavelengths of the provided telluric transmittances.

  • instrumental_deformations: time and wavelength matrix of the instrumental deformations. Must be of shape (n_orders, n_exposures, n_wavelengths).

  • noise_matrix: time and wavelength matrix of noise. Must be of shape (n_orders, n_exposures, n_wavelengths).

We will generate mock data wavelengths and times below. We will assume that we observed 19 exposures. To keep things simple, we will assume that star_radial_velocity is fixed, and barycentric_velocities varies linearly. We will fix rest_frame_velocity_shift to -5 km.s-1, and let SpectralModel calculate \(K_p\) for us.

from petitRADTRANS.math import resolving_space

n_exposures = 19

data_wavelengths = resolving_space(1.519, 1.522, 2e5) * 1e-4 # (cm) generate wavelengths at a constant resolving power
data_uncertainties = 5e-4 * np.ones((1, n_exposures, data_wavelengths.size))  # uncertainties assuming a S/N of 2000

times = 0.85 * planet.transit_duration * (np.linspace(0, 1, n_exposures) - 0.5)  # covering 85% of the transit duration
mid_transit_time = 2458004.424877  # (JD)

dates = mid_transit_time + times / cst.s_cst.day
orbital_phases = times / planet.orbital_period

# Get V_* and V_bary from Planet
star_radial_velocity = planet.star_radial_velocity  # (cm.s-1) V_sys
barycentric_velocities = planet.calculate_barycentric_velocities(

# High resolution telluric transmittances (typically downloaded from SKYCALC)
telluric_transmittances_wavelengths = resolving_space(1.515, 1.525, 1e6) * 1e-4
telluric_transmittances = np.ones(telluric_transmittances_wavelengths.size)

telluric_transmittances[2850:2870] = 0.85
telluric_transmittances[2900:2930] = 0.7
telluric_transmittances[3400:3500] = 0.1
telluric_transmittances[3900:3950] = 0.5
telluric_transmittances[4400:4475] = 0.3

# Calculate the airmass using the Planet function
airmass = planet.calculate_airmass(

# Random wavelength-constant instrumental deformations (typically unknown on real data), we use a seed for reproducibility
instrumental_deformations = (0.4 - 0.2) * np.random.default_rng(seed=12345).random(n_exposures) + 0.2
instrumental_deformations = np.repeat(instrumental_deformations[:, np.newaxis], data_wavelengths.size, axis=-1)

# Noise assuming a S/N of 1000, we use a seed for reproducibility
data_uncertainties = 5e-4 * np.ones((1, n_exposures, data_wavelengths.size))
noise_matrix = np.random.default_rng(seed=54321).normal(loc=0, scale=data_uncertainties)

Now let’s initalize our simulated data. We will add an opaque cloud layer at 100 mbar. Our instrument will have a resolving power of \(R = 80\,000\).

Argument ``wavelength_boundaries``: if you provide parameters such as the wavelengths of your data (rebinning_wavelengths), you no longer need to manually set wavelength_boundaries: SpectralModel will automatically calculate the optimal wavelengths boundaries for your data, taking into account the effect of time-varying Doppler-shift.

We will use planet to get some of the required parameters.

data_model = SpectralModel(
    # Radtrans parameters
    pressures=np.logspace(-6, 2, 100),
    rayleigh_species=['H2', 'He'],
    gas_continuum_contributors=['H2-H2', 'H2-He'],
    # SpectralModel parameters
    # Planet parameters
    # Velocity paramters
    rest_frame_velocity_shift=-5e5,  # (cm.s-1) V_rest
    system_observer_radial_velocities=star_radial_velocity - barycentric_velocities,
    # Temperature profile parameters
    # Cloud parameters
    opaque_cloud_top_pressure=1e-2,  # added opaque cloud
    # Mass fractions
        'CO-NatAbund': 1e-2,
        'H2O': 1e-3,
        'H2': 37,
        'He': 12
    # Observation parameters
    rebinned_wavelengths=data_wavelengths,  # (cm) used for the rebinning, and also to set the wavelengths boundaries
    rebin_range_margin_power=4,  # used to set the wavelengths boundaries, adding a margin of ~1 Angstrom (1e-4 * ~1 µm)
    convolve_resolving_power=8e4,  # used for the convolution
    mid_transit_time=0,  # (s) the time of mid transit relative to the "times" parameter, **not** the real mid transit time in JD
    # Preparation parameters
    tellurics_mask_threshold=0.8,  # mask the fitted transmittances if it is below this value
    polynomial_fit_degree=2,  # degree of the polynomial fit
Loading Radtrans opacities...
 Loading line opacities of species 'CO-NatAbund' from file '/home/dblain/petitRADTRANS/input_data/opacities/lines/line_by_line/CO/C-O-NatAbund/C-O-NatAbund__HITEMP.R1e6_0.3-28mu.xsec.petitRADTRANS.h5'... Done.
 Loading line opacities of species 'H2O' from file '/home/dblain/petitRADTRANS/input_data/opacities/lines/line_by_line/H2O/1H2-16O/1H2-16O__HITRAN.R1e6_0.3-28mu.xsec.petitRADTRANS.h5'... Done.
 Successfully loaded all line opacities
 Loading CIA opacities for H2-H2 from file '/home/dblain/petitRADTRANS/input_data/opacities/continuum/collision_induced_absorptions/H2--H2/H2--H2-NatAbund/H2--H2-NatAbund__BoRi.R831_0.6-250mu.ciatable.petitRADTRANS.h5'... Done.
 Loading CIA opacities for H2-He from file '/home/dblain/petitRADTRANS/input_data/opacities/continuum/collision_induced_absorptions/H2--He/H2--He-NatAbund/H2--He-NatAbund__BoRi.DeltaWavenumber2_0.5-500mu.ciatable.petitRADTRANS.h5'... Done.
 Successfully loaded all CIA opacities
Successfully loaded all opacities

Now we can generate the simulated data. We will use noiseless simulated data to check the accuracy of our retrieval setup.

# Get simulated noiseless data (instead you would load the data here)
data_wavelengths, data = data_model.calculate_spectrum(
    mode='transmission',  # can also be 'emission' to generate an emission spectrum, in that case, other model_parameters need to be provided
    update_parameters=True,  # the parameters that we set will be properly initialised
    noise_matrix=None,  # no noise so we can see the lines
    prepare=False  # if the data were loaded, a preparation could not be done rigth away

# The data and its uncertainties must be masked arrays
data = np.ma.masked_array(data)
data_uncertainties = np.ma.masked_array(data_uncertainties)

# You can mask for example invalid pixels, here we will mask nothing
data.mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool)
data_uncertainties.mask = np.zeros(data_uncertainties.shape, dtype=bool)

Preparing the data

A crucial step to analyze these data is to clean the effect of the telluric and stellar lines, and of the instrumental deformations. This is done using a “preparing pipeline” (also called “detrending” or “pre-processing” step).

The Polyfit preparing pipeline can be used, it is also the default SpectralModel.preparing_pipeline function. The well-known SysRem preparing pipeline is also implemented.

prepared_data, preparation_matrix, prepared_data_uncertainties = polyfit(

# Plot the prepared data
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,6))

ax.pcolormesh(data_wavelengths[0] * 1e4, orbital_phases, prepared_data[0])
ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength [microns]')
ax.set_ylabel('Orbital phase')
ax.set_title('Prepared noiseless data')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Prepared noiseless data')

Setting retrieval parameters

Once the data are loaded and prepared, the next step is to define our retrieval parameters. The SpectralModel retrieval workflow is slightly different from the Radtrans retrieval workflow.

One of the advantages of having SpectralModel.model_parameters is that we have right away all of our retrieval parameters. In the Radtrans workflow, we would need to build a RetrievalConfig and add all of the parameters (fixed or retrieved) to it, as well as the opacities and continuum species.

In the SpectralModel workflow, we only need to sepcify which of our model_parameters we would like to retrieve, and how.

The retrieved parameters must be put in a dictionary:

  • Each key must refer to the desired model_parameters to retrieve.

  • The value of each key must be a dictionary containing at least the following keys:

    • 'prior_type': a string stating the prior type to use. See petitRADTRANS.retrieval.utils to get a list of them.

    • 'prior_parameters': a list of values, one for each of the prior function parameters.

Other keys can be added, but they are optional:

  • 'figure_title': text to display above each posterior in the corner plot (more on that later)

  • 'figure_label': text to display at the bottom of each posterior in the corner plot

  • 'figure_coefficient': coefficient by which to multiply the posterior’s value in the corner plot

  • 'figure_offset': value by which to offset the posterior’s value in the corner plot

The name to use for the retieved parameters must be the same name as the corresponding model_parameters, with one exception: the imposed mass fractions species must be directly named and not put inside a imposed_mass_fractions dictionary.

Log10 retrieval: if you want to retrieve the decimal logarithm of a parameter instead of the parameter itself, you can add log10_ in front of its name. For example, log10_opaque_cloud_top_pressure instead of opaque_cloud_top_pressure. SpectralModel will make the conversion automatically.

The imposed mass fraction are automatically retrieved in log-space and the species names must not be altered.

Let’s define our retrieved parameters. We will retrieve the temperature, the abundance of our line species, the pressure of the cloud, as well as \(K_p\) and \(V_\textrm{rest}\). We will use uniform prior in all cases. This is a typical retrieval.

Note that any model_parameters can be retrieved in this way. It could be interesting to retrieve convolve_resolving_power, the mid transit time (\(T_0\) mid_transit_time), reference_gravity… For this example, we will limit the number of retrieved parameters. But in a real case, you just need to add the name and prior parameters in the retrieved_parameters dictionary.

retrieved_parameters = {
    'temperature': {
        'prior_parameters': [100, 4000],  # (K)
        'prior_type': 'uniform',
        'figure_title': r'T',
        'figure_label': r'T (K)'
    'CO-NatAbund': {
        'prior_parameters': [-12, 0],  # (MMR)
        'prior_type': 'uniform',
        'figure_title': r'[CO]',
        'figure_label': r'$\log_{10}$(MMR) CO'
    'H2O': {
        'prior_parameters': [-12, 0],  # (MMR)
        'prior_type': 'uniform',
        'figure_title': r'[H$_2$O]',
        'figure_label': r'$\log_{10}$(MMR) H$_2$O'
    'log10_opaque_cloud_top_pressure': {
        'prior_parameters': [-10, 2],  # (bar)
        'prior_type': 'uniform',
        'figure_title': r'[$P_c$]',
        'figure_label': r'$\log_{10}(P_c)$ ([Pa])',
        'figure_offset': 5  # [bar] to [Pa]
    'radial_velocity_semi_amplitude': {
        'prior_parameters': np.array([100e5, 200e5]),  # (cm.s-1)
        'prior_type': 'uniform',
        'figure_title': r'$K_p$',
        'figure_label': r'$K_p$ (km$\cdot$s$^{-1}$)',
        'figure_coefficient': 1e-5  # cm.s-1 to km.s-1
    'rest_frame_velocity_shift': {
        'prior_parameters': np.array([-10e5, 10e5]),  # (cm.s-1)
        'prior_type': 'uniform',
        'figure_title': r'$V_\mathrm{rest}$',
        'figure_label': r'$V_\mathrm{rest}$ (km$\cdot$s$^{-1}$)',
        'figure_coefficient': 1e-5  # cm.s-1 to km.s-1

The forward model: a SpectralModel with velocity range

A high-resolution retrieval is a computationally expensive task. A way to optimize the retrieval time is to make use of SpectralModel’s optimal wavelength boundaries calculation.

However, because we will be exploring a range of velocities (through \(K_p\) and \(V_\textrm{rest}\)) in this retrieval, we cannot simply instatitate our SpectralModel by giving one value for radial_velocity_semi_amplitude and rest_frame_velocity_shift. Fortunately, we can instantiate SpectralModel using the initializing function with_velocity_range to take care of that.

Because we used uniform priors, that are parameterized by their lower and upper boundaries, we can directly use retrieved_parameters. With other priors, such as gaussian, this would be more difficult.

:math:`T_0` retrieval: if we retrieved \(T_0\) as well, the argument mid_transit_time_range of with_velocity_range could be used.

forward_model = SpectralModel.with_velocity_range(
    # Velocity parameters
    mid_transit_times_range=None,  # we do not retrieve T0
    # Radtrans parameters
    pressures=np.logspace(-6, 2, 100),
    rayleigh_species=['H2', 'He'],
    gas_continuum_contributors=['H2-H2', 'H2-He'],
    # SpectralModel parameters
    # Planet parameters
    # Velocity paramters
    rest_frame_velocity_shift=0,  # (cm.s-1) V_rest
    system_observer_radial_velocities=star_radial_velocity - barycentric_velocities,
    # Temperature profile parameters
    # Cloud parameters
    opaque_cloud_top_pressure=1e-2,  # added opaque cloud
    # Mass fractions
        'CO-NatAbund': 1e-12,
        'H2O': 1e-12,
        'H2': 37,
        'He': 12
    # Observation parameters
    rebinned_wavelengths=data_wavelengths,  # (cm)
    rebin_range_margin_power=4,  # increase the margin of the optimal wavelengths boundaries by ~1 angstrom (1e-4 * 1 um)
    convolve_resolving_power=8e4,  # used for the convolution
    # Preparation parameters
    tellurics_mask_threshold=0.8,  # mask the fitted transmittances if it is below this value
    polynomial_fit_degree=2,  # degree of the polynomial fit
Loading Radtrans opacities...
 Loading line opacities of species 'CO-NatAbund' from file '/home/dblain/petitRADTRANS/input_data/opacities/lines/line_by_line/CO/C-O-NatAbund/C-O-NatAbund__HITEMP.R1e6_0.3-28mu.xsec.petitRADTRANS.h5'... Done.
 Loading line opacities of species 'H2O' from file '/home/dblain/petitRADTRANS/input_data/opacities/lines/line_by_line/H2O/1H2-16O/1H2-16O__HITRAN.R1e6_0.3-28mu.xsec.petitRADTRANS.h5'... Done.
 Successfully loaded all line opacities
 Loading CIA opacities for H2-H2 from file '/home/dblain/petitRADTRANS/input_data/opacities/continuum/collision_induced_absorptions/H2--H2/H2--H2-NatAbund/H2--H2-NatAbund__BoRi.R831_0.6-250mu.ciatable.petitRADTRANS.h5'... Done.
 Loading CIA opacities for H2-He from file '/home/dblain/petitRADTRANS/input_data/opacities/continuum/collision_induced_absorptions/H2--He/H2--He-NatAbund/H2--He-NatAbund__BoRi.DeltaWavenumber2_0.5-500mu.ciatable.petitRADTRANS.h5'... Done.
 Successfully loaded all CIA opacities
Successfully loaded all opacities

Retrieving the data

The SpectralModel workflow uses the same objects (Data, Retrieval) as the Radtrans retrieval workflow, but uses them a bit differently. A description of these objects is available in the “Basic Retrieval Tutorial”.

Instanciating a Data object from a SpectralModel object

The Data object combines the data with an associated forward model, here, forward_model. During the retrieval, forward_model will be used to fit the data. The fixed parameters of the retrieval are the model parameters of forward_model that are not in retrieved_parameters.

data = {  # multiple data can be retrieved by adding multiple keys
    'data_1': forward_model.init_data(
        # Data parameters
        # Retrieved parameters
        # Forward model post-processing parameters
Taking care of mask...

Instanciating a Retrieval object from a Data object

Now let’s make a Retrieval object from data.

retrieval_name = 'my_retrieval'
retrieval_directory = os.path.join('.', retrieval_name)

retrieval = Retrieval.from_data(
Using provided Radtrans object for data 'data_1'...

Running the retrieval

Let’s run the retrieval. We will use very few live points and data points for speed. In a real high-resolution case, 100 live points can be enough to obtain reasonably defined posteriors.

This example should run in a couple of minutes, but a typical retrieval on a cluster can take several hours, depending mostly on the number of live points, the number of retrieved parameters, and the number of CPUs used.

    seed=12345  # ⚠️ seed should be removed or set to -1 in a real retrieval, it is added here for reproducibility
Starting retrieval my_retrieval
Testing data 'data_1':
  OK (no NaN, infinite, or negative value detected)
  OK (no NaN, infinite, or negative value detected)
  OK (no NaN, infinite, or negative value detected)
Testing model function for data 'data_1'...
No errors detected in the model functions!
Starting retrieval: my_retrieval

 MultiNest v3.10
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Jul 2015

 no. of live points =   16
 dimensionality =    6
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points
 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.425806
Replacements:                                 66
Total Samples:                               155
Nested Sampling ln(Z):                 -9.263885
Importance Nested Sampling ln(Z):      -8.784604 +/-  0.497176
Acceptance Rate:                        0.286420
Replacements:                                116
Total Samples:                               405
Nested Sampling ln(Z):                 -7.991678
Importance Nested Sampling ln(Z):      -9.437588 +/-  0.126910
Acceptance Rate:                        0.231884
Replacements:                                144
Total Samples:                               621
Nested Sampling ln(Z):                 -7.407854
Importance Nested Sampling ln(Z):      -9.526966 +/-  0.136700
  analysing data from ./my_retrieval/out_PMN/my_retrieval_.txt
 ln(ev)=  -7.1436811481075484      +/-  0.50964991971688334
 Total Likelihood Evaluations:          621
 Sampling finished. Exiting MultiNest
  marginal likelihood:
    ln Z = -9.5 +- 0.1
    temperature    1258 +- 311
    CO-NatAbund    -5.7 +- 4.6
    H2O            -3.9 +- 1.5
    log10_opaque_cloud_top_pressure-1.4 +- 1.9
    radial_velocity_semi_amplitude14996083 +- 1778425
    rest_frame_velocity_shift-493524 +- 69196
CPU times: user 7min 6s, sys: 18min 44s, total: 25min 51s
Wall time: 1min 21s

In real high-resolution retrievals, it is not rare for the log-evidence (ln(Z)) printed by MultiNest to be ********. This is because high-resolution data contains a lot of points (\(\approx 10^6\)), so the absolute value of the log-evidence can reach very large values. Here the printed log-evidence should be small because of the few number of data points, but most importantly because we used noiseless data.

Plotting a corner plot

Now we just have use a corner plot to visualize the results.

Since we used simulated data, we can check if we correctly retrieved the parameters by adding the true_values argument. In a retrieval on real data, the true parameters are unknown, so true_values can be left to None.

The posteriors will probably not be very well defined because of the few number of live points we used and insufficient S/N.

true_parameters = data_model.get_true_parameters(retrieved_parameters)  # get our simulated data true parameters

    label_kwargs={'fontsize': 16},
    title_kwargs={'fontsize': 14},