Transmission spectrum retrieval: main script

This section shows the main script of the implementation of the transmission spectrum retrieval. The source can be found in the petitRADTRANS source folder, in the sub folder retrieval_examples/transmission. This is the implementation used for the transmission retrieval case of the petitRADTRANS paper. In this retrieval we make use of the emcee package, see Foreman-Mackey et al. (2012).

General setup

First we load all outside packages:

import numpy as np
import sys
import emcee
import pickle as pickle
import time
from emcee.utils import MPIPool

Importing MPIPool allows to use mpirun on the cluster for parallelization. In practise we always used multiprocessing, however, also on the cluster (see below).

Next we load petitRADTRANS and other packages written for this retrieval setup:

from petitRADTRANS import Radtrans
from petitRADTRANS import nat_cst as nc
import master_retrieval_model as rm
import rebin_give_width as rgw

The package contains the function that returns the model spectrum, given the input parameters. It can be found in retrieval_examples/transmission as well, and is explained here.

The package is a Fortran binary compiled for use in Python, written specifically for this retrieval example. It is written in Fortran to increase speed. It rebins the forward model to the observational wavelength grid, with the width of the wavelength bin given for every grid point. It is compiled by typing:

f2py -c --opt='-O3 -funroll-loops -ftree-vectorize -ftree-loop-optimize -msse -msse2 -m3dnow' -m rebin_give_width rebin_give_width.f90

If it won’t run, also see the general installation tips of petitRADTRANS, when building .so files, here.

Next we specify the observation paths:

retrieval_name = 'JWST_transmission_petitRADTRANSpaper'
absolute_path = '' # end with forward slash!
observation_files = {}
observation_files['NIRISS SOSS'] = 'NIRISS_SOSS.dat'
observation_files['NIRSpec G395M'] = 'NIRSpec_G395M.dat'
observation_files['MIRI LRS'] = 'MIRI_LRS.dat'

If you want to plot the spectra for testing purposes (i.e. when running locally on your machine, on a single core), set plotting = True. Don’t do this when you run the actual retrieval:

# For testing purposes only
plotting = False
if plotting:
    import pylab as plt

Next we setup the hyperparameters of the emcee MCMC sampler:

# Retrieval hyperparameters
stepsize = 1.75
n_walkers = 240
n_iter = 4200

The 240 walkers will carry out 4200 steps, that is we will draw 1,008,000 samples.

Put cluster to True if you want to run with mpirun on the cluster. We only used multiprocessing in our cases, that is leaving cluster = False and setting n_threads = 40 when running on, for example, 40 cores.

cluster = False       # Submit to cluster
n_threads = 1         # Use mutliprocessing (local = 1)
write_threshold = 200 # number of iterations after which diagnostics are updated

Next we specify the wavelength range of the models (a bit larger than that of the observations), and fixed parameters that will not be retrieved for the transmission spectrum case. Don’t make the wavelength range larger than needed, it will decrease the forward modeling speed.

WLEN = [0.8, 14.0]
LOG_G =  2.58
R_pl =   1.84*nc.r_jup_mean
R_star = 1.81*nc.r_sun

Reading the observational data in

See the headers of the data files for the units. We read in the wavelength, the relative flux decrease \((R_{\rm planet}/R_*)^2\), and its error.

# Read in data, convert all to cgs!
data_wlen = {}
data_flux_lambda = {}
data_flux_lambda_error = {}
data_wlen_bins = {}

for name in observation_files.keys():

    dat_obs = np.genfromtxt(observation_files[name])
    data_wlen[name] = dat_obs[:,0]*1e-4
    data_flux_lambda[name] = dat_obs[:,1]
    data_flux_lambda_error[name] = dat_obs[:,2]

    data_wlen_bins[name] = np.zeros_like(data_wlen[name])
    data_wlen_bins[name][:-1] = np.diff(data_wlen[name])
    data_wlen_bins[name][-1] = data_wlen_bins[name][-2]

Creating the radiative transfer object

This object will later be used by the package.

### Create and setup radiative transfer object
# Create random P-T profile to create RT arrays of the Radtrans object.
temp_params = {}
temp_params['log_delta'] = -6.
temp_params['log_gamma'] = np.log10(0.4)
temp_params['t_int'] = 750.
temp_params['t_equ'] = 0.
temp_params['log_p_trans'] = -3.
temp_params['alpha'] = 0.
p, t = nc.make_press_temp(temp_params)

# Create the Ratrans object here
rt_object = Radtrans(line_species=['H2', 'CO_all_iso', 'H2O', \
                                  'CH4', 'NH3', 'CO2', 'H2S', \
                                  'Na', 'K'], \
                    rayleigh_species=['H2','He'], \
                    continuum_opacities = ['H2-H2','H2-He'], \
                    mode='c-k', \
                    wlen_bords_micron = WLEN)

# Create the RT arrays of appropriate lengths
  Read CIA opacities for H2-H2...
  Read CIA opacities for H2-He...

Prior setup for retrieval

Here we set up the priors for the temperature profile parameters, abundances, and other free parameters, as described in the petitRADTRANS paper.

def b_range(x, b):
    if x > b:
        return -np.inf
        return 0.

def a_b_range(x, a, b):
    if x < a:
        return -np.inf
    elif x > b:
        return -np.inf
        return 0.

log_priors = {}
log_priors['log_delta']      = lambda x: -((x-(-5.5))/2.5)**2./2.
log_priors['log_gamma']      = lambda x: -((x-(-0.0))/2.)**2./2.
log_priors['t_int']          = lambda x: a_b_range(x, 0., 1500.)
log_priors['t_equ']          = lambda x: a_b_range(x, 0., 4000.)
log_priors['log_p_trans']    = lambda x: -((x-(-3))/3.)**2./2.
log_priors['alpha']          = lambda x: -((x-0.25)/0.4)**2./2.
log_priors['log_g']          = lambda x: a_b_range(x, 2.0, 3.7)
log_priors['log_P0']         = lambda x: a_b_range(x, -4, 2.)

# Priors for log mass fractions
log_priors['CO_all_iso']     = lambda x: a_b_range(x, -10., 0.)
log_priors['H2O']            = lambda x: a_b_range(x, -10., 0.)
log_priors['CH4']            = lambda x: a_b_range(x, -10., 0.)
log_priors['NH3']            = lambda x: a_b_range(x, -10., 0.)
log_priors['CO2']            = lambda x: a_b_range(x, -10., 0.)
log_priors['H2S']            = lambda x: a_b_range(x, -10., 0.)
log_priors['Na']             = lambda x: a_b_range(x, -10., 0.)
log_priors['K']              = lambda x: a_b_range(x, -10., 0.)

Define the log-probability function

First we set up the variables that will be changed and be written into the diagnostice file, during the retrieval run:

# Declare diagnostics
function_calls = 0
computed_spectra = 0
NaN_spectra = 0
delta_wt = write_threshold

start_time = time.time()
file_object = open(absolute_path + 'diag_' + \
                       retrieval_name + '.dat', 'w').close()

Here it comes…. the log-probability function! I tried to comment it sufficiently, shoot me an email if something is unclear.

def calc_log_prob(params):

    log_delta, log_gamma, t_int, t_equ, log_p_trans, alpha, \
      log_g, log_P0 = params[:-8]

    # Make dictionary for modified Guillot parameters
    temp_params = {}
    temp_params['log_delta'] = log_delta
    temp_params['log_gamma'] = log_gamma
    temp_params['t_int'] = t_int
    temp_params['t_equ'] = t_equ
    temp_params['log_p_trans'] = log_p_trans
    temp_params['alpha'] = alpha

    # Make dictionary for log 'metal' abundances
    ab_metals = {}
    ab_metals['CO_all_iso']     = params[-8:][0]
    ab_metals['H2O']            = params[-8:][1]
    ab_metals['CH4']            = params[-8:][2]
    ab_metals['NH3']            = params[-8:][3]
    ab_metals['CO2']            = params[-8:][4]
    ab_metals['H2S']            = params[-8:][5]
    ab_metals['Na']             = params[-8:][6]
    ab_metals['K']              = params[-8:][7]

    global function_calls
    global computed_spectra
    global NaN_spectra
    global write_threshold

    function_calls += 1

    # Prior calculation of all input parameters
    log_prior = 0.

    # Alpha should not be smaller than -1, this
    # would lead to negative temperatures!
    if alpha < -1:
        return -np.inf

    for key in temp_params.keys():
        log_prior += log_priors[key](temp_params[key])

    log_prior += log_priors['log_g'](log_g)
    log_prior += log_priors['log_P0'](log_P0)

    # Metal abundances: check that their
    # summed mass fraction is below 1.
    metal_sum = 0.
    for name in ab_metals.keys():
        log_prior += log_priors[name](ab_metals[name])
        metal_sum += 1e1**ab_metals[name]

    if metal_sum > 1.:
        log_prior += -np.inf

    # Return -inf if parameters fall outside prior distribution
    if (log_prior == -np.inf):
        return -np.inf

    # Calculate the log-likelihood
    log_likelihood = 0.

    # Calculate the forward model, this
    # returns the wavelengths in cm and the planet radius
    # in R_jup.
    wlen, flux_lambda = \
            rm.retrieval_model_plain(rt_object, temp_params, log_g, \
                                         log_P0, R_pl, ab_metals)

    # Just to make sure that a long chain does not die
    # unexpectedly:
    # Return -inf if retrieval model returns NaN values
    if np.sum(np.isnan(flux_lambda)) > 0:
        print("NaN spectrum encountered")
        NaN_spectra += 1
        return -np.inf

    # Convert to observation for transmission case
    flux_sq = (flux_lambda*nc.r_jup_mean/R_star)**2

    # Calculate log-likelihood
    for instrument in data_wlen.keys():

        # Rebin model to observation
        flux_rebinned = rgw.rebin_give_width(wlen, flux_sq, \
                        data_wlen[instrument], data_wlen_bins[instrument])

        if plotting:
            plt.errorbar(data_wlen[instrument], \
                             data_flux_lambda[instrument], \
                             data_flux_lambda_error[instrument], \
                             fmt = 'o', \
                             zorder = -20, \
                             color = 'red')

            plt.plot(data_wlen[instrument], \
                             flux_rebinned, \
                             's', \
                             zorder = -20, \
                             color = 'blue')

        # Calculate log-likelihood
        log_likelihood += \
               -np.sum(((flux_rebinned - data_flux_lambda[instrument])/ \

    if plotting:
        plt.plot(wlen, flux_sq, color = 'black')

    computed_spectra += 1

    # Write diagnostics file
    if (function_calls >= write_threshold):

        write_threshold += delta_wt
        hours = (time.time() - start_time)/3600.0
        info_list = [function_calls, computed_spectra, NaN_spectra, \
                 log_prior + log_likelihood, hours]

        file_object = open(absolute_path + 'diag_' + \
                               retrieval_name + '.dat', 'a')

        for i in np.arange(len(info_list)):
            if (i == len(info_list) - 1):
                file_object.write(str(info_list[i]).ljust(15) + "\n")
                file_object.write(str(info_list[i]).ljust(15) + " ")

    print(log_prior + log_likelihood)
    print("--> ", function_calls, " --> ", computed_spectra)
    return log_prior + log_likelihood

def lnprob(x):
    return calc_log_prob(x)

Run the MCMC: pre-burn

Here we first run a so-called pre-burn, to find the parameter region to zero-in on.

Emcee needs to know the number of parameters:

n_dim = len(log_priors)

Next we set up the initial walker positions:

# Set initial position vectors in parameter space
p0 = [np.array([np.random.normal(loc = -5.5, scale = 2.5, size=1)[0], \
                np.random.normal(loc = 0., scale = 2., size=1)[0], \
                0.+1500.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0], \
                0.+4000.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0], \
                np.random.normal(loc = -3., scale = 3., size=1)[0], \
                np.random.normal(loc = -0.25, scale = 0.4, size=1)[0], \
                -4.+6.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0], \
                -10.+10.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0], \
                -10.+10.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0], \
                -10.+10.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0], \
                -10.+10.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0], \
                -10.+10.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0], \
                -10.+10.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0], \
                -10.+10.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0], \
                -10.+10.*np.random.uniform(size=1)[0]] \
                ) for i in range(n_walkers)]

Now we run the pre-burn MCMC chain, depending on where and how we want to run it (on the cluster using mpirun, on the cluster (or locally) using multiple cores, or just on a single core):

if cluster:
    pool = MPIPool()
    if not pool.is_master():
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(n_walkers, n_dim, lnprob, \
                                        a = stepsize, pool = pool)
    if n_threads > 1:
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(n_walkers, n_dim, lnprob, \
                                            a = stepsize, threads = n_threads)
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(n_walkers, n_dim, lnprob, \
                                            a = stepsize)

pre_burn_in_runs = int(np.min([399, n_iter/10])) + 3
pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, pre_burn_in_runs)

As we have 240 walkers, the value of pre_burn_in_runs ensure that we draw at least ~100,000 samples during the pre-burn.

Run the main MCMC chain

Now we get the best-fit position of the pre-burn, and restart the actual retrieval in a so-called “Gauss ball” around the best-fit position:

# Get the best-fit position
highest_prob_index = np.unravel_index(sampler.lnprobability.argmax(), \
best_position = sampler.chain[highest_prob_index]

f = open('best_position_pre_burn_in_' + retrieval_name + '.dat', 'w')

# Run actual chain
p0 = [np.array([best_position[0]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.8, \
                best_position[1]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.5, \
                best_position[2]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*70., \
                best_position[3]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*200., \
                best_position[4]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.5, \
                best_position[5]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.1, \
                LOG_G, \
                best_position[7]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.2, \
                best_position[8]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.3, \
                best_position[9]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.3, \
                best_position[10]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.3, \
                best_position[11]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.3, \
                best_position[12]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.3, \
                best_position[13]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.3, \
                best_position[14]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.3, \
                best_position[15]+np.random.normal(size=1)[0]*0.3] \
                   ) for i in range(n_walkers)]

And now we run the main chain:

if cluster:
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(n_walkers, n_dim, lnprob, \
                                        a = stepsize, pool = pool)
    if n_threads > 1:
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(n_walkers, n_dim, lnprob, \
                                            a = stepsize, threads = n_threads)
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(n_walkers, n_dim, lnprob, \
                                            a = stepsize)

pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, n_iter)

if cluster:

Save the results

Finally, we save the sampled parameter positions samples and their associated log-probabilities to two pickle files.

f = open('chain_pos_' + retrieval_name + '.pickle','wb')
samples = sampler.chain[:, :, :].reshape((-1, n_dim))

with open('chain_lnprob_' + retrieval_name + '.pickle', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump([sampler.lnprobability], \
                f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)