Master retrieval model: emission case

This section shows the retrieval model used by the main retrieval script of the emission spectrum. The source can be found in the petitRADTRANS source folder, in the sub folder retrieval_examples/emission. This is the implementation used for the emission retrieval case of the petitRADTRANS paper.

First we load all required packages:

import numpy as np
import sys
from petitRADTRANS import Radtrans
from petitRADTRANS import nat_cst as nc

Next we define the function to calculate the mean molecular weight from the abundance dictionary, as described in the petitRADTRANS paper:

def calc_MMW(abundances):

    MMWs = {}
    MMWs['H2'] = 2.
    MMWs['He'] = 4.
    MMWs['H2O'] = 18.
    MMWs['CH4'] = 16.
    MMWs['CO2'] = 44.
    MMWs['CO'] = 28.
    MMWs['Na'] = 23.
    MMWs['K'] = 39.
    MMWs['NH3'] = 17.
    MMWs['HCN'] = 27.
    MMWs['C2H2,acetylene'] = 26.
    MMWs['PH3'] = 34.
    MMWs['H2S'] = 34.
    MMWs['VO'] = 67.
    MMWs['TiO'] = 64.

    MMW = 0.
    for key in abundances.keys():
        if key == 'CO_all_iso':
            MMW += abundances[key]/MMWs['CO']
            MMW += abundances[key]/MMWs[key]

    return 1./MMW

Finally, we define the function to calculate and return the emission spectrum:

def retrieval_model_plain(rt_object, temperature_parameters, log_g, log_P0, \
                              R_pl, ab_metals):

    gravity = 1e1**log_g

    # Create temperature model
    press, temp = nc.make_press_temp(temperature_parameters) # pressures from low to high

    abundances = {}
    metal_sum = 0.
    for name in ab_metals.keys():
        abundances[name] = np.ones_like(press)*1e1**ab_metals[name]
        metal_sum += 1e1**ab_metals[name]

    abH2He = 1. - metal_sum
    abundances['H2'] = np.ones_like(press)*abH2He*0.75
    abundances['He'] = np.ones_like(press)*abH2He*0.25

    MMW = calc_MMW(abundances)

    rt_object.calc_flux(temp, abundances, gravity, MMW)

    return nc.c/rt_object.freq, rt_object.flux